Friday, August 6, 2010

Adelaide River Queen

Thursday morning we are up early and packed up, we need to pop into town to get some block ice from Brian, some Coles bread (it stays fresh the longest up here) and off course a McDonalds breakfast. We stop off at the Salvo’s to pick up some tops for Kirsten, she left them on the bed in Adelaide.

Then off to the Adelaide River Queen to see the jumping crocodiles. As normal they are out straight away to see us on the boat. It’s a pretty cool insight into crocodiles and we get to see both the big adult males that live nearby.

Kirsten loses her hat off the boat and the lady does a good job blocking of the croc with the boat, which has zoomed over thinking it is a feed. The hat rescued and a bit of a story for later on too. Kirsten picked up some great shots of the crocs jumping for a feed.

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