Monday, September 1, 2008

Tina’s off and Flying

An overcast Saturday morning greeted us when we awoke in the Barossa. Jason was not well so off Kirsten and I went to town to get some supplies. Well the shops don’t always open that early so we decided to look for some country to explore. The overnight rain had made this much more appealing.
So we went for a drive and it didn’t take long to find some nice slippery tracks. Some mud driving practice is really what I have been looking for and we had found it. Slipping and sliding with mud flying everywhere it was great. Anyway thought we better heads back.
We all got organized and drove to the Airfield to meet Glen under gloomy skies. So we weren’t sure if flying was going to be a good idea today. These are not exactly big planes. But the weather was good and off she went into the Sky. The kids were most impressed by it all. A quick flight was all that was possible with rain setting in but none the same I’m sure it was a great experience.
Didn’t get that much work done but we did get some little jobs completed. We did have time for the odd nap and beer drinking. Hopefully next time the weather will be kinder.
Another early start to get the Kids to School on time. All packed up nice and early and ready to leave for 7.00am. But then our first breakdown. Well not really the car started fine just the alternator doesn’t work anymore. Not good news but at least it didn’t happen half way to QLD where I’m sure the replacement cost would be much higher.
Back home and nothing much has changed still raining but it is spring.


Anonymous said...

nice flying

chez said...

you'll be missed