Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 1 We are off to Wentworth

There was many times when we did not think that today would come. A mad rush on Sunday to pack everything up for our departure on Monday morning. It is all in there well except for the dish washing liquid that’s the only thing we have found missing so far. A stormy morning greeted us and that made packing up the van before we left a bit of fun. Not to mention that the caravan would not move. That is of courser because Andy towed it around Michael’s yard with the breaks on.
Anyway all packed up ready to go at 8.20am we went through the Willunga, Meadows to the freeway and then followed the Murray. Most of the crops looked good and it rained all the way to Renmark then it stopped and it was just a huge dust storm. We battled the fierce winds and luckily they were not a head wind. We took the old road to Wentworth which was dirt and this provided some good driving training for Tina. We stopped at Lake Victoria which certainly is not different to the lower lakes, with very little water in it. There were plenty of remains of car tyres on this road so I was a little worried but didn’t want to bring up the subject.

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