Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Queens Birthday

It’s the Queen’s birthday long weekend and it’s the longest I have had off from work for 8 months. We head off at 2:00PM and drive out to Litchfield park to camp at Florence falls. We try a couple of camp spots that are full but find a great spot overlooking the valley.
We have spaghetti Bolognese in a tin and listen to Carlton loose to Nth Melbourne and I even loose at cards. Beer is nice and cold and we drink a bottle of Moscata which is yummy.
We eventually get up have some breakfast and hit the road, first stop the Lost city which we went to in one of Brian’s Tojo’s about 7 years ago. The road seems better and it’s a little greener than I remember. Off to all the water falls but most are closed still, obviously haven’t found all the Salties yet. Back to camp and we go for a walk to Blueys Waterhole for a swim its a good walk and we are hot and bothered by the time we get there. Its coolish but refreshing and packed with people. I left the Camera battery on the charger so back to camp before we head down to Florence falls for another swim. It’s pretty packed and people a climbing up to the top of the falls and jumping, our beers are empty so we head back, its chicken casserole and rice on the campfire. It’s quite warm today and it’s only just starting to cool down now the sun has set. I really miss being on the road and this really brings it home how much you miss it. But you know what, you need money to travel so you have to work as well.

We awake to another beautiful smoke filled sunrise, we pack up quickly and hit the road to Dundee. It’s quite a long drive and there is plenty of Wildlife on the road, Eagles, Hawke’s, Wallabies, Dingo’s and even Jabiru’s. Now there is a bird you don’t want to run into. We were just waiting to see the Croc walking across the road and we would have seen it all. Its a good 2 hours to get to Dundee Brian, Jan rob and his crew aren’t quite as ready as we expect. So its eskies ice bait and don;t forget the beer and we are off. We pay our $20 fee for the tractor man and loads us into the water and we are off as usual Rob waits for no one and he is off. It’s a fairly quite day at the start With the odd fish before Jan catches a huge Lemon Shark the same one she always catches. We pick up some nice cod and snapper and then Jan lands another big Jewie. Dylan Robs grandson catches a big one to so it is a good day. As usual it is a feast of food that night.

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