Friday, December 11, 2009

Tina's Birthday & Electrical Storm Hits

We haven’t got much rain but we had the biggest electrical storm I have ever seen on the weekend. Thursday is Tina’s birthday so a Happy Birthday to the Girl she has to work a 1-9pm shift so I hope her pressies are enough to get her through. I wrote her a Birthday Poem, I think last year was the first time I didn’t do one since we have been together.

Tina -

I had to drive home in the most amazing storm tonight I was pretty scared I must admit, lighting flashing every where they were hurting my eyes and I was so worried the car was going to get hit by one of the hundreds of strikes. The wind was at about 80km’s per hour and the rain was just pouring down, and with our stupid Landcruiser light you can only see about 10mtrs in front of you, we are also currently repairing the high beam & we have no spotties! The street lights were out all the way along Tigerbrenon Drive, which did not help one bit, at least the other drivers on the road were taking it easy as well, and didn’t mind my 55kms. I finally got home & Andy is videoing the storm, like I am going to forget that fast. We sat out side for a while & watched the light show the whole caravan park was being lit up by it. We got hungry so decided it was time for dinner.

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