Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Paradise beach on 90 Mile beach Vic.

Up early and packing up the van and car. It has been a pleasant 4 days but it is time to start the next chapter. We say our goodbyes and head off towards Lakes Entrance. Our route doesn’t take us through the fires zones only around them. It is very hot and 450km+ trip today. It gets hotter and hotter and the distance to travel is probably it bit far so we have decided to stop at 90 mile beach and we have set up at Paradise beach.
It is a free camp just back from the beach and because it is the weekend it is quite full. We find a spot but it is in sand not on the nice grass. After we settled in I headed down in search of the big salmon, no luck but did catch a nice mullet.
It is a little overcast this morning with a few spots but cooler. We walked the 4km to the local shops for some bait and to call the family as there is no reception where we are camped. We walked back along the beach where there were a few people fishing. One guy had caught a large salmon but no one else seems to be catching anything although we did spot a Skate with its tale cut off on the beach as well as the odd Puffer fish.
When we got back I was off again determined to catch a bog salmon too. No luck again but did pick up a few more mullet as well as the odd undersize salmon. I tried just before dark as well but only succeeded in feeding the millions of crabs.

Up at 6.30am surely this time the salmon must be around. Not long after I started about 20 Dolphins rock up and go on a feeding frenzy about 100m from shore. I was going to chuck it in but decided to hang around. About ½ hour later they start biting but only under size salmon. The about ½ hour later again the Mullet started, I can clearly tell the difference between the two now. Another couple of nice mullet, we have enough for a good feed tonight more were on offer but I ran out of bait. So back to the salmon I tried, Pilchards, Squid, lures and some mullet but nothing. No one here is catching salmon and we have fished our third day now. It is nice having the van and being able to hang around without moving each day.
Tina has finished the Potato factory and has moved onto the Twilight as long as I keep fishing she will have it finished in a couple of days.
As yesterday we went for a walk again, we are trying to lift our fitness levels a bit. We both headed down for a fish this time and we headed up the other way. It did not take long and big hit this was no little mullet. I landed it and what a beauty it was 39cm Flathead. It was the only thing we caught the tide is right out and the trough is just full of crabs. Back to the van and some lunch, Tina is learning chess so we had a game.

Back to the beach for another fish and back to the spot I caught all the mullet. It was dead quite not a single bite for ages then another big hit. This bugger did not want to come in and it was thrashing wildly near sure. It was another Flathead this one 46cm. two in one day although I’m hunting for salmon flathead are just as good. I caught some small salmon, Tommies and then my first ever Tailor. This has been a great spot and I’ve caught heaps of fish over three days it certainly pays to put the time in. Next time we catch some fish like this we will remember to take a photo before we fillet them all. Looks like fish is on the menu for a couple of more nights, the mullet was beautiful.

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