We headed down to Shell beach for a fish. We headed over to the rocks this time and it didn’t take long. We caught 8 leather Jackets in about 20 minutes and lost a couple of larger ones which darted under the rocks with our rigs in tow. This was the first time we had a run of catching more than one fish at a time.
We moved around to Browns beach which is famous for Salmon fishing. After we set up camp we went for a walk down to inspect our fishing spot. This is a 3km+ return trip up a big hill. We were collecting rubbish on the beach when we found some very interesting stuff. A Balaklava, gloves and then a black bag. We were not sure if we should look for the gun or body but it felt a little strange at first.
Later we headed down for a fish but nothing and I mean nothing. So we decided that Browns had no fish and we would move.
Today we headed over to Corny Point and a night at the caravan park.
Up early off to berry Bay which we were told by several locals was a good spot. We hit the beach early and it didn’t take long and we got some Tommies and Mullet. Once again the Mullet were undersize. Our efforts to catch Salmon were continually interrupted by sand crabs and we were able to drag a couple of quite large ones to shore. Then it finally happened the reel spun and this was no Mullet or Tommie. This was a real fish, now it is all well and good to land a big fish but getting him to shore is another story, and you often read about the one that got away. So I was real careful but also mindful of getting him in before he got off or broke the line. And then there it was on the sure our first Salmon and what a beauty he was 43cm and fat as well. The excitement was great and this is what I’ve been trying to catch for months. I had to get a grip and get that line bag in the water. Bang the big rod is bent over and I run and grab hold, I let it run and then wound it in some then it ran again. Then when winding it in it got off dam. Then the other line is hit and for a moment we were at it again. Then nothing he was gone and so was the rest of the Salmon. We fished for another couple of hours but nothing but it did not matter 16 days of fishing had resulted in 1 Salmon and that was good enough for us.
We packed up and drove across to Port Giles sand then headed up the coast deciding to stay at Ardrossan.
We woke up early and headed down to the jetty for some squiding. This was the first time we had not taken gear to fish and off course with only squid jigs in hand a massive school of fish circled where we were. They were that hungry we nearly convinced them to bite the squid jig. 17 days of sitting on jetties and beaches with hardly a fish to find and then when we cant catch them a bloody school of fish rock up. That really gives you the shits, so no squid they are all hiding. We went back had breakfast and decided it was time to come home.
17 days and and lots of different fish ( just a lot of undersize stuff we couldn't keep)
Puffer fish (striped Perch) 2 different types
Whiting (Sand, King George & Weedy)
Tommy Ruffs
Blue Swimmer Crabs
Sand Crabs
Leather Jackets ( 2 different types)
Gar Fish
Port Jackson Shark
King fish ( got away last seen still swimming with my sinker)
Sea Bird ( lucky we got him off the hook)
1 x 43cm Salmon
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