Friday, August 29, 2008

Spring has nearly Sprung

After our fruitless effort fishing on Monday we have been concentrating back onto getting ready for QLD. The Canoe rack is at Snowy’s. I would say getting welded up but for those of us who know Snowy it always going to be ready soon, but he did share some great canoeing stories with us. We are going to pick up the awning for the Tojo next week and the Solar shower is now completely designed and will also be our big project over the next few days. The wiring is now completed so that was a crucial item to be completed.

We are in the Barossa this weekend hopefully painting the picket fence. Wow that nearly sounds like I’m looking forward to it, but I think some good late August rains might solve that problem for us. It has been really nice and sunny the last few days only 15-16 degrees but it is getting closer to spring so the nicer days will come. September is always my favourite month in Adelaide.

We have made a draft of our route to Bris Vegas just so we had some idea. I was more in favour of just driving in the right direction. It is now less than three weeks till we take off so the pressure is on.

We have been practicing our bush cooking and knocked up a great Chicken & BBQ rice the other night for our first use of the new plates.

I know we keep saying it but we will have some cool photos soon I promise.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Pt Willunga

We went fishing today, because we could! at Port Willunga, it is so beautiful down there, no fish!! but the view was worth it. The water is so clear and inviting, a little too cold still for my likings, and to top it all off we had a nice sunny warm morning. It also happened to be a doge tide and from what I’m told by the experts…….”when there’s a doge tide don’t bother putting in a line!” Oh well at least we gave it a go. This gave me a chance to start on a project Andy and I are keen to do all the way around the country, I took a plastic bag walked up the beach and picked up all the rubbish I could see. We will write more about this in our section called “Environment” we hope to get this up and running soon. More details to come…..

I have got the damper in the Cobb down pat now deliciously light and fluffy. I love the oven, we have baked cakes & cookies and all have turned out fantastic. Just ask Michael, Jason & Kirsten made him a cake for his birthday early on in August.
Andy finished work last Wednesday and we have been taking it pretty easy for last few days, but today we got back into working mode, Andy has finished the mammoth task of tidying up the wring behind the dash etc. Good on you Andy! Mum and I have been working on new curtains for the van too, although they are not needed for the trip to QLD, I wanted to get that job started.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Counting Down the Rainy days

Hi All,

Not much to report over the last two weeks other than rain, hail, wind storms and frozen mornings. I hope the farmers don’t complain about the rain this year because I can tell you there has been plenty.

We haven’t really done much work getting ready for the trip other than continuing the difficult task of preparing finance and logistics. Modern society really has us locked up. It is no wonder we all have to work.

We’ll on a brighter note Tina has now finished work and has become a “Self Funded Retiree” That just leaves me with two weeks to go and then we will have no excuse in finishing off the 56 jobs we have on our list.

We discovered a couple of water leaks in the Caravan over the weekend but I’m not surprised if it rains hard enough and long enough I suppose we would leak too!

So next week it will be full steam ahead, well at least after a couple of days sitting around drinking home brew to excess. We must do this because we need to do some planning and all good planning is done when to much beer has been drunk.

As soon as it stops raining I will take some pictures and add them to the Blog. Expect some real exciting updates over the next few weeks prior to our trip.

We will try to catch up with as many of you as we can prior to us going on our first adventure if not we will back in SA in November.